3.2 Global elliptic regularity
Let M be a compact manifold, E0,E1 complex vector bundles, and L an elliptic differential operator from E0 to E1 of order k. By patching local results together, we conclude that
(Global elliptic regularity)
There is a constant A such that for all s≥0 and u∈Hs+k(M;E0), we have
If Lu∈Hs, then u∈Hs+k. In particular, if Lu=0, then u∈C∞(M).
This implies a lot of very nice properties about elliptic operators. First observe the following result:
Let U,V,W be Hilbert spaces and L:U→V bounded, K:U→W compact. If there is an A such that
then kerL is finite-dimensional and imL is closed.
We show that the unit ball of
kerL is compact. If
(un) is a sequence in the unit ball of
kerL, then
Since K is compact, there is a subsequence uni such that Kuni is Cauchy. So uni is Cauchy. So we are done.
To show imL is closed, by restricting to the complement of the kernel, we may assume L is injective. We will show that there is a c such that
If not, pick a sequence un with ∥un∥U=1 but ∥Lu∥V→0. By compactness, we may assume that Kun is Cauchy. Then we see that un must also be Cauchy, and the limit u must satisfy ∥u∥U=1 and Lu=0, a contradiction.
L:Hs+k→Hs has finite-dimensional kernel and closed image.
The compactness of the manifold
M is crucial for the inclusion
Hs+k→Hs to be compact.
We want to show that in fact L is Fredholm, i.e. both the kernel and the cokernel are compact. Here we simply use duality. We need to show that
K={v∈H−s:⟨Lu,v⟩=0 for all u∈Hs+k}
is finite-dimensional. But this is exactly the kernel of L∗. So we deduce
L is Fredholm, and in fact
The first factor is independent of s (since all elements are C∞), and taking the limit s→∞, we get
A bit of care is actually needed to take the limit
s→∞, but we leave that for the reader.