Clifford Algebras and Bott PeriodicityThe last part of the proof

3.1 The last part of the proof

We can now return to Clifford algebras and Bott periodicity. The idea of Atiyah and Singer [3] was to extend the Atiyah–Jänich theorem to provide explicit descriptions of the loop spaces ΩkF(H)\Omega ^k \mathcal{F}(H). It turns out we can interpret this space (up to homotopy equivalence, of course) as Fredholm homomorphisms of Clifford algebra representations.

Note that CkC_k naturally comes with an involution defined by ei=eie_i^* = - e_i, and we shall require our representations to respect this. Let H=H0H1H = H^0 \oplus H^1 be a Z2\mathbb {Z}_2-graded Hilbert space with a simultaneous graded action of all CkC_k, i.e. there are bounded linear operators J1,J2,J_1, J_2, \ldots of degree 11 such that

JiJj+JjJi=0,Ji2=1,Ji=Ji, J_i J_j + J_j J_i = 0,\quad J_i^2 = -1,\quad J_i^* = -J_i,

for all iji \not= j. We will focus on skew-Hermitian operators. Since we have a graded Hilbert space, we require our skew-Hermitian operators to have degree 11. So that BB takes the form

(0TT0). \begin{pmatrix} 0 & -T^* \\ T & 0 \end{pmatrix}.


We let

F^(H)={BF(H):B is skew-Hermitian}Fk(H)={BF^:BJi+JiB=0 for i=1,,k}\begin{aligned} \hat{\mathcal{F}}(H) & = \{ B \in \mathcal{F}(H): B\text{ is skew-Hermitian}\} \\ \mathcal{F}^k(H) & = \{ B \in \hat{\mathcal{F}}: BJ_i + J_i B = 0\text{ for }i = 1, \ldots , k\} \end{aligned}
After picking an arbitrary isomorphism H0H1H^0 \cong H^1 of vector spaces, sending BF^(H)=F0(H)B \in \hat{\mathcal{F}}(H) = \mathcal{F}^0(H) to TF(H0)T \in \mathcal{F}(H^0) as above gives a homeomorphism F(H0)F0(H)\mathcal{F}(H^0) \to \mathcal{F}^0(H). Hence F0\mathcal{F}^0 represents KO=KO0KO = KO^0.

It turns out these Fk(H)\mathcal{F}^k(H) are not what we want. To understand this, suppose BFk(H)B \in \mathcal{F}^k(H) is unitary (which we can achieve by restricting to kerB\ker B^\perp and then rescaling), so that B2=BB=1B^2 = -B^* B = -1. Then BB “acts as” Jk+1J_{k + 1} on HH, and this gives HH a new Ck+1C_{k + 1} action. If k≢1(mod4)k \not\equiv -1 \pmod4, then there is a unique irreducible Ck+1C_{k + 1} module, hence the structure of HH as a Ck+1C_{k + 1}-module is completely determined. However, if k1(mod4)k \equiv -1 \pmod4, then we want to ensure HH has infinitely many copies of each irreducible module, for it to be well-behaved.

Recall that to count how many copies of each each irrep we've got, we are supposed to count the eigenvalues of w=e1e2ekw = e_1 e_2 \cdots e_k after turning H0H^0 to a CkC_k-module. The process of turning H0H^0 into a CkC_k-module involves the inclusion CkCk+1C_k \hookrightarrow C_{k + 1}, which sends eie_i to eiek+1e_i e_{k + 1}. In our case, ek+1=Be_{k + 1} = B, and ei=Jie_i = J_i for i=1,,ki = 1, \ldots , k. Thus, we are counting the eigenvalues of

w=(J1B)(J2B)(J3B)(JkB). w = (J_1 B) (J_2 B)(J_3 B) \cdots (J_k B).

Since k1(mod4)k \equiv -1 \pmod4 and B2=1B^2 = -1, this is equal to

w=J1J2JkB. w = J_1 J_2 \cdots J_k B.

We then want to require that the eigenvalues ±1\pm 1 to both have infinite multiplicity. In general, for an arbitrary BB, it is not unitary, or even injective. The desired “niceness” property is now that when we restrict BB to the kerB\ker B^\perp , and then rescale BB so that it is unitary, the multiplicity of ±1\pm 1 in ww are both infinite. Equivalently, without doing the restriction and rescaling business, we want J1J2JkBJ_1 J_2 \cdots J_k B to have infinitely many eigenvalues of each sign, counted with multiplicity.


We say a self-adjoint operator is essentially definite if all but finitely many of its eigenvalues are of the same sign.


If k≢1(mod4)k \not\equiv -1\pmod4, we define Fk(H)=Fk(H)\mathcal{F}^k_*(H) = \mathcal{F}^k(H). Otherwise, we define

Fk(H)={BFk(H):J1J2JkBH0 is not essentially definite}. \mathcal{F}^k_*(H) = \{ B \in \mathcal{F}^k(H): J_1 J_2 \cdots J_k B|_{H^0}\text{ is not essentially definite}\} .
Observe that these form a component of Fk(H)\mathcal{F}^k(H).

The main theorem of Atiyah and Singer is the following:

Theorem A

For k1k \geq 1, there is a homotopy equivalence

Fk(H)Ω(Fk1(H)). \mathcal{F}^k_*(H) \to \Omega (\mathcal{F}^{k - 1}_*(H)).

Thus, combined with the Atiyah–Jänich theorem, we know that Fk(H)\mathcal{F}^k_*(\mathcal{H}) represents KOkKO^{-k}.

We first see how this proves that KOk()=AkKO^{-k}(*) = A_k, and in particular implies Bott periodicity.

Theorem (Bott periodicity)

There is a natural 1 homotopy equivalence Fk+8Fk\mathcal{F}_*^{k + 8} \simeq \mathcal{F}_*^k.

Let MM be an irreducible C8C_8-module. Then there is an isomorphism

Fk(H)Fk+8(H^M)AAI,\begin{aligned} \mathcal{F}_*^k(H) & \cong \mathcal{F}_*^{k + 8}(H \mathbin {\hat\otimes }M)\\ A & \mapsto A \otimes I, \end{aligned}

and there is a contractible space of Ck+8C_{k + 8}-module isomorphisms HH^MH \cong H\mathbin {\hat\otimes }M.

Theorem (Computation of KOk()KO^-k(*))

The map idx:Fk(H)Ak\operatorname{idx}: \mathcal{F}_*^k(H) \to A_k defined by A[kerA]A \mapsto [\ker A] is continuous, and induces a bijection π0(Fk)Ak\pi _0(\mathcal{F}^k_*) \to A_k.

This in fact gives us an isomorphism of rings.

For convenience, we drop the (H)(H) in Fk(H)F^k_*(H) when it is clear.

We leave the k=0k = 0 case for the reader. Note that C0=RC_0 = \mathbb {R} is concentrated in degree 00, and it has two irreducible graded representations given by 0R0 \oplus \mathbb {R} and R0\mathbb {R}\oplus 0.

For k>0k > 0, we first show that the kernel map is continuous, so that it factors through π0(Fk)\pi _0(\mathcal{F}_*^k). Let BFkB \in \mathcal{F}^k_*. Note that B2B^2 is self-adjoint and negative, since

B2x,x=Bx,Bx0. \langle B^2 x, x\rangle = -\langle Bx, Bx\rangle \leq 0.

Hence we know that σ(B2)(,0]\sigma (B^2) \subseteq (-\infty , 0]. In fact, since BB is Fredholm, we know 00 is an isolated point in the spectrum, and by scaling BB, we may assume

σ(B2)(,1]{0}. \sigma (B^2) \subseteq (-\infty , -1] \cup \{ 0\} .

Since the spectrum depends continuously on B2B^2, we can pick a small neighbourhood of BB in F^k\hat{\mathcal{F}}^k_* such that whenever CC is in the neighbourhood,

σ(C2)(,1+ε][ε,0], \sigma (C^2) \subseteq (-\infty , -1 + \varepsilon ] \cup [-\varepsilon , 0],

and further that B2C2<ε<12\| B^2 - C^2\| < \varepsilon < \frac{1}{2}.

Let EE be the spectral projection to [ε,0][-\varepsilon , 0]. We claim that EE is isomorphic to kerB\ker B. Indeed, consider the orthogonal projection PP from EE to kerB\ker B.

Now B2B^2 and C2C^2 commute with CkC_k, so the orthogonal projection is in fact a CkC_k-module isomorphism. We write E=kerCkerCE = \ker C \oplus \ker C^\perp . Then

idxBidxC=[kerC]. \operatorname{idx}B - \operatorname{idx}C = [\ker C^\perp ].

But the restriction of CC to kerC\ker C^\perp is non-singular and skew-Hermitian, so we can use the action of CC to turn kerC\ker C^\perp into a Ck+1C_{k + 1} module. Morally, we should be able to just “scale” CC, and the correct thing to write down is

Jk+1=C(C2)1/2. J_{k + 1} = C (-C^2)^{-1/2}.

Surjectivity is trivial (for [M]Ak[M] \in A_k, pick an isomorphism HHMH \cong H \oplus M and use Jk+10Fk(HM)J_{k + 1} \oplus 0 \in \mathcal{F}^k_* (H \oplus M)).

Injectivity follows from the following sequence of observations:


Any BFkB \in \mathcal{F}_*^k can be deformed so that it is unitary on the complement of kerB\ker B.

By restricting to the complement of kerB\ker B, we may assume kerB\ker B is trivial. Note that the operator B(B2)1/2B(-B^2)^{-1/2} is unitary. So we can use the path B(t(1t)B2)1/2B(t - (1 - t)B^2)^{-1/2}.


Let BFkB \in \mathcal{F}_*^k, and let VV be a Ck+1C_{k + 1} module. Then we can deform BB to BB' so that kerB=kerBV\ker B' = \ker B \oplus V as a CkC_k-module.

We may assume BB is unitary on the complement of kerB\ker B. Since BFkB \in \mathcal{F}_*^k, we know each Ck+1C_{k + 1} module appears as a direct summand of kerB\ker B^\perp when BB acts as Jk+1J_{k + 1}. So we can decompose

H=kerBVremaining, H = \ker B \oplus V \oplus \text{remaining},

and then linearly scale BB to vanish on VV.

Thus, if B,CFkB, C \in \mathcal{F}^k_* are such that [kerB]=[kerC][\ker B] = [\ker C], then we can deform BB and CC so that their kernels are in fact isomorphic.


If B,CFkB, C \in \mathcal{F}^k_* are such that kerBkerC\ker B \cong \ker C as CkC_k-modules, then there is a CkC_k-module isomorphism T:HHT: H \to H such that TBT1=CTBT^{-1} = C.

Again wlog assume BB and CC are unitary on the complement, so that they act as Jk+1J_{k + 1}. Then the complements are isomorphic as Ck+1C_{k + 1} modules, since both have infinitely many copies of each irrep. Hence there must be a CkC_k-module isomorphism that sends BB to CC.

We can then conclude the theorem if we can find a path from TT to the identity.


The group of CkC_k-module isomorphisms HHH \to H is connected.

By Schur's lemma, this group is isomorphic to GL(H)\mathrm{GL}(H), hence is in fact contractible.