
III Modern Statistical Methods

0 Introduction
In recent years, there has been a rather significant change in what sorts of data
we have to handle and what questions we ask about them, witnessed by the
popularity of the buzzwords “big data” and “machine learning”. In classical
statistics, we usually have a small set of parameters, and a very large data set.
We then use the large data set to estimate the parameters.
However, nowadays we often see scenarios where we have a very large number
of parameters, and the data set is relatively small. If we tried to apply our
classical linear regression, then we would just be able to tune the parameters so
that we have a perfect fit, and still have great freedom to change the parameters
without affecting the fitting.
One example is that we might want to test which genomes are responsible for
a particular disease. In this case, there is a huge number of genomes to consider,
and there is good reason to believe that most of them are irrelevant, i.e. the
parameters should be set to zero. Thus, we want to develop methods that find
the “best” fitting model that takes this into account.
Another problem we might encounter is that we just have a large data set,
and doing linear regression seems a bit silly. If we have so much data, we might
as well try to fit more complicated curves, such as polynomial functions and
friends. Perhaps more ambitiously, we might try to find the best continuously
differentiable function that fits the curve, or, as analysts will immediately suggest
as an alternative, weakly differentiable functions.
There are many things we can talk about, and we can’t talk about all of
them. In this course, we are going to cover 4 different topics of different size:
Kernel machines
The Lasso and its extensions
Graphical modeling and causal inference
Multiple testing and high-dimensional inference
The four topics are rather disjoint, and draw on different mathematical skills.