4.2 Convergence
We next want to study the problem of convergence. For A=Faug(V) we can do this pretty explicitly using the description above, and for non-free algebras, our strategy is to write them as sifted colimits of free algebras.
Every element of Algnaug(V) is a sifted colimit of free augmented n-disk algebras.
The forgetful functor
Algnaug(V)→1/V/1 is monadic, and so every augmented
n-disk algebra
A is the geometric realization of the bar construction
∫M∗(−) and Pk∫M∗(−) preserves sifted colimits.
Recall that an augmented
n-disk algebra is a symmetric monoidal functor
Diskn,+→V. Suppose
A:J→Algnaug(V) is a sifted diagram of augmented
n-disk algebras. Then
So to show that ∫M∗ commutes with sifted colimits, we have to show that
Since Aj is symmetric monoidal, it suffices to prove this for the case where U+=R+n. That is, we have to show that the forgetful functor Algnaug(V)→V preserves sifted colimits, which is a general fact about algebras over monads.
For the case of Pk∫M∗(−), we observe that this is true for P0∫M∗(−), which is constant, and then proceed by induction using the explicit formula for the kth derivative.
Finally, we consider the problem of convergence. In the case of a free algebra, we are asking when the map
is an equivalence. This is not always true. In the case where V is the category of spectra, say, a sufficient condition for this to be true is that the connectivity of Confifr(M∗)⨂Σi≀O(n)V⊗i tends to infinity as i→∞. There are (at least) two ways this can happen — either the connectivity of Confifr(M∗) tends to infinity, or the connectivity of V⊗i tends to infinity.
In general, to make sense of this argument in an arbitrary stable ∞-category, we need a t-structure, which is a collection of reflexive subcategories V≥t satisfying certain properties, which we think of as the subcategory of t-connective objects. We require this to be compatible with the tensor product, i.e. ⊗ maps V≥t×V≥s to V≥t+s, and to be cocomplete, i.e. ⋂tV≥t={0}.
We can then state the following theorem:
The map
is an equivalence if at least one of the following two hold:
The augmentation ideal ker(A→1)>0.
ker(A→1)≥0 and M∗ is connected and compact.
Under these assumptions, we will show that
Then since taking kernels commutes with sequential limits, we know that
ker(∫M∗A→limPk∫M∗A)≥m for all m.
Since the t-structure is cocomplete, the kernel is trivial. So this map is an isomorphism.
Since kernels are the same as cokernels (up to a shift), taking kernels commutes with taking shifted colimits. Moreover, if A satisfies the conditions of the theorem, so does Faug(A). So it suffices to prove it for the free case.
In the case where A=Faug(V), the conditions ker(A→1)>0 and ≥0 correspond to V>0 and V≥0.
We then use the fact that if V≥ℓ, then V⊗i≥iℓ; and if M∗ is compact and connected, then Confi(M∗) is i-connected.