Clifford Algebras and Bott PeriodicityKuiper's theorem

2.2 Kuiper's theorem

We shall take a short break from Fredholm operators, and prove the following extremely important theorem:

Theorem (Kuiper, 1964, [uiper196519)

Let HH be a separable infinite-dimensional (real or complex) Hilbert space. Then for any compact space XX, we have [X,GL(H)]=0[X, \mathrm{GL}(H)] = 0. In particular, GL(H)\mathrm{GL}(H) is weakly contractible.

To prove this, we first establish a useful “move”.


Let XX be a fixed space, and S,T:XGL(H)S, T: X \to \mathrm{GL}(H) continuous functions. Then the maps

(ST00I),(T00S):XGL(HH) \begin{pmatrix} ST & 0 \\ 0 & I \end{pmatrix}, \begin{pmatrix} T & 0 \\ 0 & S \end{pmatrix}: X \to \mathrm{GL}(H \oplus H)

are homotopic as maps XGL(HH)X \to \mathrm{GL}(H \oplus H).

The mental picture we should have in mind is that we are allowed to “rotate” SS from the top-left corner to the bottom-right corner. The proof, unsurprisingly, is a literal rotation.

We pick

Ht=(costsintsintcost)(S00I)(costsintsintcost)(T00I) H_t = \begin{pmatrix} \cos t & -\sin t \\ \sin t & \cos t \end{pmatrix} \begin{pmatrix} S & 0 \\ 0 & I \end{pmatrix} \begin{pmatrix} \cos t & \sin t \\ -\sin t & \cos t \end{pmatrix} \begin{pmatrix} T & 0 \\ 0 & I \end{pmatrix}

for tt going from 00 to π2\frac{\pi }{2}.



If f:XGL(H)f: X \to \mathrm{GL}(H) is such that there is an infinite-dimensional subspace H0HH_0 \subseteq H with f(x)H0=If(x)|_{H_0} = I for all xXx \in X, then ff is homotopic to the constant map II.

In the decomposition H=H0H0H = H_0^\perp \oplus H_0, the matrix of f(x)f(x) looks like

(Q0I). \begin{pmatrix} Q & 0 \\*& I \end{pmatrix}.

for some invertible matrix Q=Q(x)Q = Q(x). We can linearly homotopy f~\tilde{f} to kill off the * on the bottom left corner. We then write H0H_0 as the infinite sum of infinite-dimensional Hilbert subspaces, so that the matrix now looks like this:

        Q \\
        & \id\\
        & & \id\\
        & & & \id\\
        & & & & \id\\
        & & & & & \id\\
        & & & & & & \ddots

Using the fact that I=Q1QI=Q^{-1}Q, the previous lemma tells us we have homotopies

        Q \\
        & QQ^{-1}\hspace{-5pt}\\
        & \rotarrow & \id\\
        & & & QQ^{-1}\hspace{-5pt}\\
        & & & \rotarrow & \id\\
        & & & & & QQ^{-1}\hspace{-5pt}\vspace{-5pt}\\
        & & & & & \rotarrow & \ddots
        Q \\
        & Q^{-1}\\
        & & Q\\
        & & & Q^{-1}\\
        & & & & Q\\
        & & & & & Q^{-1}\vspace{-5pt}\\
        & & & & & & \ddots

We now apply the lemma again, but “bracketing” in a different way, to obtain

        Q \\
        \rotarrow & Q^{-1}\\
        & & Q\\
        & & \rotarrow & Q^{-1}\\
        & & & & Q\\
        & & & & \rotarrow & Q^{-1}\vspace{-5pt}\\
        & & & & & & \ddots
        \id \\
        & \id\\
        & & \id\\
        & & & \id\\
        & & & & \id\\
        & & & & & \id\vspace{-5pt}\\
        & & & & & & \ddots


So the idea is to pick some subspace H0HH_0 \subseteq H and modify ff until the ff is the identity on H0H_0. In general, suppose we have another map g(x):H0Hg(x): H_0 \to H, and we want to modify ff so that f(x)H0=g(x)f(x)|_{H_0} = g(x) for all xx. The key idea is that we can do so as long as g(x)g(x) and f(x)f(x) have orthogonal images, in which case we just do a simple rotation, using g(x)f(x)1g(x) f(x)^{-1} to identify the two subspaces we want to rotate. I must emphasize that the actual result and proofs are much easier and more intuitive than how I wrote them down, but I couldn't find a better way to do so.


Suppose H=H0H1H = H_0 \oplus H_1, f(x):HHf(x): H \to H, and g(x):H0Hg(x): H_0 \to H are such that f(x)(H0)g(x)(H0)f(x)(H_0) \perp g(x)(H_0) for all xx and g(x)g(x) is an isomorphism onto its image. Then ff is homotopic to a map f~\tilde{f} such that f~(x)H0=g(x)\tilde{f}(x)|_{H_0} = g(x).

For each xx, decompose H=f(x)H0g(x)H0HxH = f(x)H_0 \oplus g(x) H_0 \oplus H_x for some HxH_x. Then the map

φx:f(x)H0g(x)H0Hxf(x)H0g(x)H0Hxf(x)ag(x)bcf(x)b(g(x)a)c.\begin{aligned} \varphi _x: f(x) H_0 \oplus g(x) H_0 \oplus H_x & \to f(x) H_0 \oplus g(x)H_0 \oplus H_x\\ f(x) a \oplus g(x) b \oplus c & \mapsto f(x) b \oplus (-g(x)a) \oplus c. \end{aligned}

is homotopic to the identity. Indeed, we can achieve this if f(x)f(x) and g(x)g(x) weren't there by a rotation, and we just have to conjugate that homotopy by f(x)g(x)IHxf(x) \oplus g(x) \oplus I_{H_x}. Then take f~(x)=φx1f(x)\tilde{f}(x) = \varphi _x^{-1} f(x).


Thus, if we can decompose H=H0H1H2H = H_0 \oplus H_1 \oplus H_2 such that f(x)(H0)H2f(x)(H_0) \perp H_2, then the theorem follows by performing two swaps — first homotope ff so that f(x)(H0)=H2f(x)(H_0) = H_2, and then swap the image back to the identity on H0H_0.


We may assume the image of ff is contained in a finite-dimensional subspace of End(H)\operatorname{End}(H).

This is a special case of the following more general fact: Let VV be a normed vector space and UVU \subseteq V an open set. Suppose x1,,xnx_1, \ldots , x_n are points in UU and εi>0\varepsilon _i > 0 are such that B(xi,3εi)UB(x_i, 3 \varepsilon _i) \subseteq U. Then there is a deformation retract of U=i=1nB(xi,εi)U_* = \bigcup _{i = 1}^n B(x_i, \varepsilon _i) into the simplicial complex spanned by x1,,xnx_1, \ldots , x_n. Indeed, pick a partition of unity

ψj(x)=max(εixxj,0),ϕj(z)=ψj(z)k=1Nψk(z).\begin{aligned} \psi _j(x) & = \max (\varepsilon _i - \| x - x_j\| , 0),\\ \phi _j(z) & = \frac{\psi _j(z)}{\sum _{k = 1}^N \psi _k(z)}. \end{aligned}

Then we can use the deformation

gt(x)=(1t)x+tj=1Nϕj(x)xj, g_t(x) = (1 - t) x + t \sum _{j = 1}^N \phi _j(x) x_j,

and the hypothesis ensures this remains in GL(H)\mathrm{GL}(H).



There exists an orthogonal decomposition H=H1H2H3H = H_1 \oplus H_2 \oplus H_3 such that f(x)(H1)H3f(x)(H_1) \perp H_3 for all xx, and H1H_1 and H3H_3 are both infinite-dimensional.

Pick a vector a1a_1, put it in H1H_1. The span of all f(x)(a1)f(x)(a_1) is finite-dimensional, so we can put finitely many vectors in H2H_2 so that f(x)(a1)H1H2f(x)(a_1) \in H_1 \oplus H_2 for all xx. Pick any vector orthogonal to the vectors we have chosen and put it in H3H_3.

Next, pick a2a_2 that is orthogonal to everything chosen so far, and also so that f(x)(a2)f(x)(a_2) is orthogonal to everything chosen so far for all xx. This is possible since these conditions only exclude a finite-dimensional subspace. Keep going on countably many times, and afterwards if there is anything left, put it in H2H_2.
