2 Fourier transform perspective
The preceeding calculation was not very enlightening, but at least it gives precise numbers. There is a more enlightening approach, beginning with our previous observation that sinc is the Fourier transform of the indicator function of [−1,1], up to some factors.
To get this going, let us first get our conventions straight. We define our Fourier transforms by
Then for any function f, we have
Why is this useful? In general, it is difficult to say anything about the integral of products. However, the Fourier transform of a product is the convolution of the Fourier transforms, which is an operation we understand pretty well.
With our convention, we have
Here for any a>0, the function χa(x) is given by
Note that the area under χa is always 1. Fourier transforms take products to convolutions, and convolving with χa is pretty simple:
In words, the value of χa∗f at x is the average of the values of f in [x−a/2,x+a/2].
With this in mind, we can look at
We start with the function χa0, which is depicted above. Convolving with χa1 gives a piecewise linear function
Crucially, when a1≤a0, the value at 0 is unchanged, since the function is constant on π1[−a0,a0]⊇π1[−a1,a1]. The resulting function is constantly a0π on the interval π1[−(a0−a1),a0−a1].
When we further convolve with χa2/π, if a1+a2≤a0, the resulting function is constantly a0π on the interval π1[−(a0−a1−a2),a0−a1−a2]. In general, this tells us that as long as a0≥a1+⋯+an, the integral will still be a0π, and gets smaller afterwards.